When I asked the Danish(My guide) to get this beauty in some good perch. He said, if we get any nest that will make our job easy. He kept on searching but couldn't get in on the first day.
The last day after we completed our morning birding session( it was a foggy session and very little activity) we again started looking at this beauty. While Danish was walking through one tree this guy just flew away from the nest. That moment was unforgettable..
Once it leaves the nest, it takes another 15-30 mins for him to come back again, as it will watch the surroundings very closely and make sure no other predators are watching him then once he is found safe then he will go to the nest.
It was literally testing my patience as I kept the camera on the tripod and kept observing him. Some leeches were also there but this time I didn't even notice that and only realised once I went back in the room and opened the boot. I had to wait there for 4-5 hours for getting him on the perfect perch. Was engaged too much for this fella and had the lunch at evening only after getting a satisfied shot😁.
Another struggle part was getting light to the eye, as light was from the side. But nature blessed me for sometime as it turned the head little that got some light. Also, the side and back light got that amazing bokeh 😍you see in this pic.